Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dork:The Incredible Adventures Of Robin ‘Einstein’ Varghese - Review

Author: Sidin Vadukut

Story line: This book is the diary of the protagonist Robin, a mallu, who after MBA joins a consultancy. Story starts with the placement day scene of Robin and the rest is about the work life of Robin and how he messes up whatever he does. 
Right from the first page this book is hilarious. The characterization of Robin is really funny. Though the last 20 pages are tad boring, it did not matter as it came after 200 pages of entertainment. Though the story line is wafer thin…the character “Robin” will surely make you laugh out loud.  

Plus point: The hilarious characterization of Robin. The funny thing is not what he does but what he thinks about himself and his activities.
Minus point: Predictable story. Not-so-gripping ending.

This is the first one of the Dork trilogy as promised by author. Waiting for the next one in the series. 

About the Author: Sidin Vadukut is an IIM-A passout, who later turned into full time journalist by quitting his corporate job. To know more about the author or to read his articles visit 

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