Author: Rashmi Bansal
"I have a dream" is a kick in the butt to every reader. It is about 20 social entrepreneurs who followed their dreams..
They have built sustainable business models focusing on social impact, giving profit maximization secondary importance, to improve the lives of people around.
Their paths may be different but their goal is to make this world a better place for living..Eg. Dhruv Lakra started courier service employing deaf people, Harish Hande diffused solar lighting technology into villages at a very affordable cost, Anshu Gupta started systematically collecting waste clothing from urban locations and delivering to needy, Madhu Pandit Dasa started feeding students in schools which now reached to feeding 1 million hungry children everyday etc
Ranshmi Bansal's books (her previous books "stay hungry stay foolish" and "connect the dots" are also on the lives of entrepreneurs) are great inspiration to every wanna be entrepreneur.
I really like the "advice to young entrepreneurs" part in her books at the end of each story...it is as if the person is directly talking to you sitting beside. You can get behind their eye balls and understand what humanity & perseverance truly mean, everyone among them struggled 5-6 years minimum to taste the success of their ideas.
I hope Rashmi Bansal continues to focus on entrepreneurship.
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