"Why does the book 'The Secret' sell ?", I saw this question in some forum.
I answered, "Because it gives us HOPE."
If you ask..
Why does Robin Sharma Sell ??
Why does the Seth Godin sell ??
Why do the books like Magic Of Thinking Big, You Can Do It, etc sell in huge volumes ??
The answer is same, they all give us a hope.
Robin sharma says in all of his books that everyone of us can achieve whatever we want, that each one of us is incredible.
The core of the book The Secret says that all our desires will be fulfilled if only we truly believe that they will happen. In short it is, "Think. Believe. Receive"
The Magic Of Thinking Big says not to focus on small goals but to talk and think big, and that you can achieve big.
Seth Godin repeatedly says everyone of us is a genius, everyone of us can be a leader.
None of these sources offer a blue print to success but by the end of each article, by the end of each example they show, by the end of each story they tell us, our deep buried desire to do what we always wanted to do, and a hope that we will be successful in doing it, will surface.
Not just these but in general only the optimism, smile, support, will Sell, will always attract others.
This reminds me of a great line..
"There is no market for your sorrows in this world, so never advertise them."
This is absolutely true, the market is already occupied with the optimistic ones, with those who smile, who don't groan about their lives, with those who pat on our shoulders inspiring us to achieve big, with those who give us a HOPE.
Totally agree with your view.Life is too short to mourn about minor things. Look beyond, think big and seek more from life. "You are what you repeatedly do" :)
Kudos for your post Srikar!
This might be one of the reasons for your blog's success too :) Thanks for commenting Puvvada.
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