Monday, April 26, 2010

Can whiskey do wonders ??

Notice : This is a patience tester, so do read it at your own risk

Today I had an exam and just like every other exam I screwed it !!

         Well it was my last exam of my 3rd year. “DESIGN”-it is a 4 hr exam from 9:30 to 1:30, have to ans 4 qxns for 50 marks …!! It’s a hot day …took the qxn paper eagerly smelled it… what a disaster!!. I can ONLY solve half of a numerical out of 4. I studied some designs all nite… studied even during breakfast time but “ QXN PAPER ALWAYS HAS THE QUESTIONS FROM THE PART I DON’T STUDY” n dis time it’s nothing different. I took 1 hr to write what I know …….now left with 3 hrs …neither I have any idea how to solve the probs nor what to do for d next 3 hrs. Someone asked me ”u are gonna flunk this xam ?" - it's my inner voice!! I said "naa, I won’t fail I have decent score in internals so will land in jus pass category..”

     I looked around, everyone is busy referring to Perry’s hand book ….I just got the photocopy of few pages from it , so I thought borrowing the buk may help me in solving at least one problem …so went to Binod ( he is struggling with the height of drawing board I guess) and asked his book. Now I need the formulae to solve the heat exchange problem…I never used the handbook in d entire semester so I have no clue what all it has ..I opened it …the first chapter of around 200 pages only has data ( like densities ,heat capacities ..) of diff compounds … I turned the pages …I couldn’t find any contents page, did I miss the page or der isn’t any contents page in this book ?? …so with great difficulty ( b’coz of its size ) searched in appendix at the end of the book …got the page no. of the topic I needed and opened it. Title-“Shell and tube heat exchanger"….I started googling each page carefully for the formulae I needed. It has all the bullshit about exchangers u can imagine. But I dint find any formulae useful….after 10 mins of romance with the book I realized it wont work…went through some other chapters which are not at all related to my exam …Perry’s hand book is a gr8 collection of chemical engineering data …appreciating the authors, I returned the book !!

       Its 11’ o clock … 2 n half hrs left ..what to do ??I am hating myself for not studying these topics .shitt!! Hey wait a minute where is Hemanth??...there he the corner of hall ...WTH !! Last night he said he din’t study anything and now he was busy with calculator even after 2 hrs …hmmm all the best hemanth ( u lied to me)..!! I can’t stop glancing at the beautiful girl in black top sitting next to him ( "EVERY GAL LOOKS INTERESTING WHEN U R IN EXAM HALL !!! ") .. even she was busy with calculations as if she was preparing from ages for this exam !! Now back to my qxn paper ….again read all the qxns …does d examiner have any grudge on me ?? why did he give these questions.. aren’t other instruments design useful for industries..he can give at least one question based on design of evaporator !!!... Again  my inner voice “Is this a difficult subject ?”, “ NO”, “then why the hell u dint study??”,”well I don’t know “,”I pity u !!”. Why din’t someone write a buk “how be a 9 pointer” … why the hell am I thinking abt this now ..?????? F*** ..A BAD EXAM CAN REALLY MAKE U MAD!!!

      12:00 ....Surendra Singh Paati was next to me, he was done with all the calculations and started drawing, he was preparing from day 1 n he was happy dat his effort was finally worthy.. somehow I have to write the answers but how??!! ”U r  gonna have whisky today ??”,my disturbing inner voice, I remember Hemanth asking me y'day to come to his room after exam for party…I don’t drink, so I have no idea about how it feels after drinking but why do many students get addicted to drinking after a bad performance in exams ?? will they feel better after drinking …can they forget their performance in xam ?? or will it improve their performance in the next exam ?? Is Hemanth doing well today bcoz he was HIGH yesterday ??…CAN WHISKEY DO WONDERS ??? ...?. “come on srikar u can try once …u will know how it feels like…u can definitely forget this exam .. just once just once !!” “ well not a bad idea though..” “CHEERS.. ”

       I m sure I can’t fill even a half page.. so I decided at least I shouldn’t be the first one going out of exam hall, don’t know why but I decided to be in the hall till the end ( or till someone leaves …) …

       12:30 …I think faculty understood many students are facing problem, so he mentioned the pages for reference in which the designs are there as a last attempt I  borrowed the handbook again. To my surprise there are around 10 designs in the book, now which one I have to draw n how to get the dimensions of figure ?? ...hmmm so my last trial also went bad !! Faculty came to me. Saw my paper n asked “Whats the matter? U dint write anything!!” ( it means " u fool why the hell u came to exam without studying anything?") … I just smiled and said “everything is fine sir just not getting the calculations right “( which means " ** ** ** **** ***" ..)…!!

       Its 1:00 ...everyone started fixing their drawing sheets. What will I do if I don’t get placement?? the question for which most of the guys here don’t have a clear answer…how about a small business immediately after engineering… “u r sick, u really need a vodka”.

      Glanced at Paati’s drawing sheet, it’s almost done n he is giving final touchups to his art …proud of u man u deserve an S grade !! He looked at me, then to my blank drawing sheet and gave a pity look, which can be decoded as “u r a loser!!!”.  Yipeee, last 10 mins, I am waiting for someone to leave the hall..but no one seems interested to leave before the time ..What is Mounica doing ?? ..I looked around.. she was looking tensed, busy in finishing her drawings before time …I m sure she will tell me that she screwed up this exam but in end will get high grades !!! Why only me always in low grades??

       Faculty announced an extension of 30 mins i.e. upto 2:00……what the f**** I have to wait for another 30 mins.. OMG !! I m already SAD,DEPRESSED, ANGRY,SLEEPY n mainly HUNGRY !!

       Thompson, the tiny rascal, was so happy when he heard of extension as he din’t start the sheet work yet, so he started fixing his drafter …even he said he did not know anything jus b4 coming to hall, every one said the same thing last night and now they r busy substituting the data in the formulae …how can this happen? ... y the hell no one is leaving the hall ?..why is everyone in love with this subject today ??….

       Aahhhh its 1:45 jus 15 mins more … few architecture students are waiting outside …they have their exam in the same hall after ours. Among them I noticed a gal in red chudidhar studying, she is really pretty, SIGHT OF A BEAUTIFUL GAL IS A RELIEF IN HARD TIMES .. now I think that’s true … but the sight of Aditya who sat before me asking for additional sheet was depressing …What the hell he will write in last 5 mins??? ….

        Oh I can see one answer sheet with prof ... so someone left the hall already ….who is it ?? … It's Vipin :) !! Immediately returned my blank answer sheet ….Hemanth is still drawing.. f*** u man!! Done with the end semester exams and 3 months of holidays, Goa tour in a week can’t ask for more ...but something is troubling me ..will I flunk this exam?? !! On the way to my hostel met Vipin, seeing me ,he said “I think you rocked this exam man, I am the first one to come out..I dint do well “…
      Back to my room where Jagadeesh was watching ‘Popeye the sailor man’…cartoons don’t match to his Bluto figure but still he loves them !!. Fell on my bed …two questions are still troubling me ..WHY DINT I STUDY  ?? n CAN WHISKEY DO WONDERS ?? …opened my lappy “WHEN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WHICH YOU CAN SOLVE , THERE IS NOT NEED TO WORRY AND WHEN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WHICH U CANNOT SOLVE THERE IS NO USE OF WORRYING " this quote on my wall paper is a great relief in this situation..!! ......

~~The girl in red chudidhar’s image still floating in my head….!!~~

p.s. Thanks for reading my first (can be my last ) post….!!! ~~

1 comment:

raj said...

awsum dude!!---u ttok me bac to the xamination hall!!----wat a talented brut u r!---cheers u rascella!!